Naturgarten Knecht
Neustraße 17, 56348 Weisel
Germany's first certified nature garden - recommended by Bioland.
Many landscape-specific elements from the Rhine, along with its vineyards featuring their characteristic dry stone walls, can be found in the vibrant nature garden.
Naturgarten Knecht
In the small village of Weisel lies Germany's first certified nature garden - endorsed by Bioland. Many landscape-typical elements from the Rhine, along with its vineyards featuring characteristic dry stone walls, can be found in this vibrant nature garden. A gently babbling stream winds its way through wooden log walkways and connects the ponds. Jumping stones in the large pond allow young and older explorers to observe nature up close.
Today, more than 35 native aquatic plant species thrive in the wetland biotopes, and over 200 native wild plant species grow in extensive dry sites.
In the entrance area, garden enthusiasts will find two dry sites - small private experimental areas: one bed with some green compost (as starter fertilization), and the other bed without any compost at all. Both beds now host native wild plants adapted to poor soils.
They are eye-catching and serve as a welcoming greeting for residents and visitors, forming a transition to the biologically managed vegetable garden. Playful art objects made from clay, metal, and wood harmoniously blend into the garden, often revealing themselves to visitors only upon a closer look.