Probsteigarten | © Tourist Information Boppard

Probsteigarten Hirzenach

Rheinstraße 65, 56154 Boppard-Hirzenach

Propsteig garden Hirzenach

The baroque Propsteigarten is one of the few structures from the 18th century that have been preserved in Rhineland-Palatinate on the left bank of the Rhine. Towards the provost house, the garden finds its limit in the stepped area on which the church and the provost building stand. At the end of the main path in the rear part is the stately fountain room with a large arched opening. Two staircases running in opposite directions lead to the viewing terrace. Another staircase then leads to the level of the first floor of the provost's office.

Propstegarten Hirzenach The baroque Propsteiggarten is one of the few 18th-century gardens that have been preserved in Rhineland-Palatinate on the left bank of the Rhine. Toward the provost, the garden finds its boundary in the terrain step on which the church and provost building stand. At the end of the main path in the rear part is the stately fountain room with a large round-arched opening. Two opposing staircases lead to the viewing terrace. Another staircase then leads to the level of the ground floor of the provost. Since the founding of the association in 2000, the former provost garden has been restored to its old beauty. The garden still has its original border. The individual fields are leased to local gardeners, fruit trees have been planted on others. A wayside cross and crossways made of boxwood (parts from the 17th century) find their center in a babbling ornamental fountain. The garden is framed by the building ensemble of the Romanesque church (1109) with its early Gothic choir, the Villa Brosius (around 1050) and the baroque provost building (1716). William Turner, English painter, already gave his impression of the Rhine Romanticism around Hirzenach in one of his paintings (1817). Vines are planted on the two terraces, and a model vineyard with over 10 different grape varieties is planted on the upper level. A pavilion invites you to linger. Size: approx. 4,200 square meters Opening times: Accessible to visitors only after registration or the presence of gardeners. Phone 0160 - 910 523 24 Guided tours: Tel. 0160 910 523 24 and Tel. 06761 967 755 2 (Elke End); Price on request

Probsteigarten Hirzenach

From 18.10.2023 until the 18.10.2030

Opening hours:

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56154 Boppard-Hirzenach Rheinstraße 65
Propsteigarten Hirzenach
Rheinstraße 65
56154 Boppard-Hirzenach

Phone: (0049) 160 91052324

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